September Data Collection - 10/4/2009


It was wonderful seeing so many of you at our kick-off event last week! For those who weren't able to attend, check out the Energy Quiz slides from our game show. While we will send you occasional emails (about 1 a week) to keep you apprised of new info and further developments, the website will remain a good reference source for all things Crunchable.

Data Collection
One of the topics I went over at the event was how we will handle your data. In a few days, you should be receiving your NSTAR bill reflecting your kilowatt hours (kWh) for the month of September (called Current Month in the box on the left side with the heading Electric Bill Comparison), along with your kWh use in Sept of 2008 (called Last Year in that same box). These are the two numbers that we will be collecting each month for the competition (disregard the amount called Last Month). We only care about kWh, so do not send any $ amounts.

How We Will Use the Data
First, let me emphasize that your data will not be shared or shown to anyone without your explicit approval. I will enter your numbers into a spreadsheet to calculate percentage changes, etc. to determine contest results (see website for prize categories). The kWh numbers you send me this month, reflecting September's usage, will not be used in determining winners since the contest hadn't started when these kWh occurred. However, they will be used as baseline information to help us determine the range of kWh we will be looking at over the coming months.

So, as soon as you get your NSTAR bill in the next few days, please reply to this email with the two numbers appearing in the Total Electricity Use (kWh) row as

Current Month:_________

Last Year: _________

Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions.


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