Green Buildings Open House Saturday, October 3, 2009

Over 600 locations in New England, NY, NJ, PA and DE. To find Green Buildings Open House sites near you, visit

Admission to most sites is fee, some guided tours may charge, check website for details.

An Energy Quiz

Sunday's Kick-Off Party (9/27/2009) for the Carbon Crunch Challenge participants at the Weston Public Library was a tremendous success! Should you have missed it, or wish to review some of the information shared, below you'll find the quiz show questions and answers.

Some of the questions have been adapted from the National Geographic "Energy Conservation Quiz"

For more information about the game console question (Question #2) visit these two sources:
Top Ten Reviews, "Cutting the Costs of Gaming"
National Resource Defense Council, "Lowering the Cost of Gaming"

Energy Saving Tips

Here are a few resources for the Carbon Crunch Challenge participants about saving electricity. Click on the links below:

March 2009 Nat'l Geographic Article, "It Starts at Home"

How to Reduce Your Energy Consumption
Tips for conserving electricity and cutting your energy costs
From the National Resource Defense Council

Weston Climate Group's "Tips for Reducing Electricity Use"

Online Energy Calculators:
NH Coop
NSTAR Residential (see Calculators drop-down on left nav)

And, if you have suggestions for follow participants simply respond to this post and your comments will be published here!

Have You Signed Up Yet?

Weston’s Carbon Crunch Challenge is about to begin!

With more than fifty families ready to go, we hope you’ll join us! It’s not too late. The kick-off party begins this Sunday, September 27 at 3:00 pm at the Weston Library. CLICK HERE to learn more and to sign up.

Count Down to CRUNCH Time

It's 10 days away ...
The first Weston Carbon Crunch Challenge is about to commence!

CLICK HERE to read more about the challenge and register. The registration deadline is September 27th, the day of the big kick-off event at the Weston Library at 3:00.

It doesn't cost anything to participate and all you need to do is hold on to your NSTAR bills for the next couple of months (after you pay them, of course). If you want to win the contest, you should try to reduce the amount of electricity you use in October and November, since we will be comparing your energy use in those two months this year to what it was in the same months last year (it's all on your NSTAR bill).

Register today and get ready to power down to win some prizes -- and even save some money in the process!

Too Hot Not To Handle

A primer on global warming, TOO HOT NOT TO HANDLE, is now playing on HBO through September 27. The documentary, produced by Laurie David of "An Inconvenient Truth" and Stop Global Warming, features contributions from leading scientists in the field. In addition to in-depth discussions of such subjects as the greenhouse effect, hurricanes, snowpack, hybrid vehicles, and alternative power sources, the film shows how businesses, local governments, and citizens are taking positive actions to reduce global warming emissions.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the film and to view the broadcast schedule.

Bioneers By The Bay Conference

The fifth Annual Bioneers by the Bay: Connecting for Change conference is being presented by the Marion Institute in the historic Downtown of New Bedford, MA, on October 22-25, 2009. Bioneers by the Bay: Connecting for Change is an internationally acclaimed annual gathering of environmental, industry and social justice innovators who have demonstrated visionary and practical models for restoring the Earth and its inhabitants.

Over 2,000 students, teachers, green business innovators, scientists, grassroots leaders and everyday folks from across the East Coast will gather to embrace, share, brainstorm, network, heal, learn, teach, celebrate, recharge and connect for change. We will roll up our sleeves and harvest tangible, practical solutions to the specific challenges we face here in the Northeast and the world at-large.

The three day conference includes live keynote presentations, afternoon workshops, an extensive Youth Initiative program, a downlink of the 20th Annual Bioneers Conference in California [], an exhibition hall featuring sustainable businesses and organizations, a community action center, films, music, art installations, a farmers’ market and local & organic food.

For more information, CLICK HERE.

It's Crunch Time!

The first Weston Carbon Crunch Challenge is about to commence!

CLICK HERE to read more about the challenge and register. The registration deadline is September 27th, the day of the big kick-off event at the Weston Library at 3:00.

It doesn't cost anything to participate and all you need to do is hold on to your NSTAR bills for the next couple of months (after you pay them, of course). If you want to win the contest, you should try to reduce the amount of electricity you use in October and November, since we will be comparing your energy use in those two months this year to what it was in the same months last year (it's all on your NSTAR bill). 

Register today and get ready to power down to win some prizes -- and even save some money in the process!

Can you help with the CARBON CRUNCH CHALLENGE?

This Saturday, September 12, from 10 AM to 2 PM, we will have a table in
Weston Center to publicize and recruit folks for the Carbon Crunch Challenge.

On Saturday, September 19, from 10 AM to 3PM, Olgivie's has invited us to have a
Weston Climate Group table at their big anniversary celebration in their parking lot on Warren Avenue. This is another opportunity to recruit more participants for the Crunch.

We have a great banner, information about the Carbon Crunch, and clip board sign up ready.
We need Climate Group members to help the tables. Please contact me,,
if you can give an hour or two. I can guarantee you good people and a good time!