Weston's FIRST Carbon Crunch Challenge

September - December 2009

Start the school year lean and green! Join the Carbon Crunch Challenge -- a friendly competition among families to reduce electricity use and shrink our NSTAR bills.

The contest will measure October and November reductions in kilowatt hours compared to last year. (Every NSTAR bill gives you a history of your kilowatt comsumption for a year.) Other categories will be winners too.

Register before September 27. Simply CLICK HERE TO EMAIL US, and let us know your name & address.

Help recruit friends and neighbors. Encourage organizations and local businesses to enter the contest too!

Come to the launch party & workshop at the Weston Public Library on Sunday, September 27 at 3 PM. Bring your August NSTAR bill. We’ll meet one another, share concerns, and get tips on ways to reduce our electricity usage.

Celebrate at the final party at the Library on Sunday, December 13 at 3 PM.

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