Wayland Sustainable House Tour

Come receive a crash course on living in a truly sustainable, low maintenance home incorporating many of the green and renewable technologies you have heard about but may not have seen.

Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009 (if raining or very cloudy will postpone to May 17, same time)
Time: 2:00pm (arrive promptly as this is a guided tour)

Location: Jackson Madnick's Wayland Sustainability Home, 206 Lake Shore Drive, Wayland
Presenter: Jackson Madnick, Sustainability Expert

Fee: $5.00 (payable at the door)

RSVP required as numbers need to be managed. Send an email with "Wayland Sustainable House Tour RSVP" in the subject line to: WestonClimateGroupRSVP@gmail.com

The Wayland Sustainability home is a demonstration and educational project full of renewable energy technologies, sustainable materials and healthy living design elements incorporating energy, water and money saving strategies:
solar photovoltaic (including Dawn Solar's unique PV/hot water hybrid system)
solar hot water (even heats the hot tub and melts snow and ice off the front walk)
passive solar/distributed thermal mass (home stays at 72º when 0º outside with no heat on!)
heliostat (directs sunlight into home's interior)
low maintenance, no fertilizer, low water requirement Pearl's Premium organic lawn
rain water captured for garden irrigation and use in toilets
super insulation (R50 Roof, R40 walls)
geothermal (planned)
many, many more interesting sustainable features
Jackson consults to others on how to make their existing or new home or industrial building more sustainable and save dramatic amounts of money with no loss in comfort.

Directions: from Weston Town Hall on Google Maps: http://tinyurl.com/waylandsustainabilityhome1
Parking: park anywhere that does not block the road
Carpooling: anyone wishing to carpool, meet at Weston Town Hall at 1:30pm

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