PLEASE COME: Wed., Nov. 7 at 7PM, Library Conference Room (not the Community Room).

1.Plan 30 minute presentation for Weston-Wayland Rotary Club in response to their invitation for Dec. 6. Possible plan: 4-5 of us would go and each say what is it about global warming that concerns me the most, and what changes I am making. Shall we invite them to join us in a town wide effort to reduce our carbon footprint? One household losing 5000 lbs. of CO2 adds up to 1,000,000 lbs. with 200 households.

2.Could we take this presentation to other local organizations and ask them to help us build a community through their commitment? We might provide leaders for their small groups who want support in reducing their emissions.

3. Volunteer jobs for short term projects.
4. Election of Officers for 2008.

Nov.11, Sunday 3pm, Library: Nicki Jimenez and Meredith Raheem speak on their experience in Guatemala this summer with AIDG's Teco Tours. Bring the Family!

Nov.14, Wed. 7pm, Library film. "Too Hot Not to Handle"

Can we capture the energy and teamwork of the Red Sox to bring Carbon Emissions Reducton to Weston? I believe we can.

1 comment:

epictetus said...

Hey, I just found this blog, it's very cool what you are doing. With the amount of money in Weston it seems to me that it ought to be possible to be an example of what a "green" town can be -- particularly with the size of the houses. I'd like to see solar panels (in sunny spots) and micro wind-turbines (on windy ridgetops/hilltops) become the norm, and more renewable heating/cooling... I think the saddest part is that for a lot of Westonians, "green" homes are completely financially possible, but people don't build them because they feel it isn't stylish enough. -- Patrick Engelman from Love Lane, Weston