Qualifying as a Green Community

Join us at the Weston Town Hall on the morning of Wed., April 7 at 8:30 AM if you are interested in finding out what it takes for a town to be certified as a Green Community. Joanne Bissetta, Regional Green Communities Coordinator, is meeting with Selectman Michael Harrity and others to describe how the state is supporting towns going through the Green Community certification process. The meeting is open to the public.

The Mass. Dept. of Energy and Environmental Affairs established the Green Communities program to support Commonwealth cities and towns reducing their carbon footprint. There are specific criteria that need to be satisfied to be certified a Green Community and to be eligible for $10,000,000 in related state grants and other benefits.

Joanne Bissetta is our Regional Green Community Coordinator. There are four Regional Coordinators throughout the state offering technical assistance and support to public officials and local energy committees. This is to help communites understand all the opportunities and tools available.

For more information on the Green Communities go to http://www.mass.gov/energy/greencommunities

A major focus for the WCG this year is on supporting Weston’s certification as a Green Community. Currently, the idea is under review by various affected boards as we learn more about the costs and benefits of the certification process. We can use all the help we can get in supporting this effort. Thanks to Jane Bindley for arranging this meeting.

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