Weston Earth Week Starts April 9!

Earth Day is April 22nd, but why wait? Follow the lead of the Weston High School and celebrate Earth Week all next week. They have created ideas for each day — let’s all join in!

Monday:   Celebrate the Earth:  Wear Green on Monday — It's a great place to live!  Let's celebrate the earth by wearing green. Keep in mind that there is no Planet B

Tuesday:   Everything ReUsable — The Earth is not disposable; don't use disposable for the day. Pack snacks, lunches, water… in reusable containers. In 2008, the average amount of waste generated by each person in America per day was 4.5 pounds

Wednesday:   Day of Low Energy — Open the blinds, switch off the lights. The per capita energy use in the US dropped between 2009 and 2010. KEEP IT UP (err, DOWN)

Thursday:   Lower your carbon footprint — Save fuel.  Carpool. The US leads the world in per capita emissions of CO2

Friday:   Give back to the planet  — Pick up litter, plant a tree, etc. Litter is estimated to cost the US 11.5 billion dollars per year.

For more info, including many more student posters like the one shown below, go to: http://www.westonschools.org/index.cfm?cdid=29205&pid=19914

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