February 8 Event

Weston Talks Trash!
Featuring Bob Hoffman

February 8th, 7-9 p.m.
Weston Library

The Weston Climate Group is hosting a presentation and discussion about stuff, where it comes from and where it goes when we think that we are done with it. Although it is easy for most of us to just "throw stuff away," it is amazing to see what actually happens once you realize that there is no such thing as "away."

The evening will start with a showing of the short, very entertaining film The Story of Stuff, which describes the impacts and implications of our production and consumption patterns. Following the movie, Bob Hoffman, Director of Weston's Department of Public Works, will describe the current profile of Weston's waste and how it is processed. He will discuss the breakdown of the amounts and types of waste we generate as a community, the role of recycling, and outline some of the economics involved in managing the town's trash disposal. There will be time for discussion at the end.

Come to the Weston Public Library at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8th to learn how to watch your waste in a whole new way. For more information, contact Rudy Ruggles.

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