Global Climate Action Day - 10/24/2009

Regional Energy Revolution Rally
in Concord, Massachusetts

This rally is being spearheaded by author and activist Bill McKibben and his group. The event will be one of over one thousand similar events that will be held around the world to show support for a strong international climate treaty to be negotiated at the December United Nations talks in Copenhagen.

Make history and join us in Concord: Taken together, these combined events will quite likely constitute the largest global citizens' climate rally ever held.

When: October 24, 2009 starting at 2 PM and ending between 3 and 4 PM.

Where: Minuteman National Historical Park, Concord, MA - Adjacent to the North Bridge Visitor Center at 174 Liberty Street, near the flagpole overlooking the bridge. (Directions to North Bridge Visitor Center at

What to Expect: Speakers, Minutemen, American History Being Made, and Fun!

CLICK HERE TO EMAIL US if you are interested in carpooling from Weston over to the rally!

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