Charrettes for new DPW building

At last night's Permanent Building Committee meeting, it was decided that two "Charrettes" will be held to gather citizens' ideas for the new DPW complex. I hope very much that many of you will attend, and wanted you to have the dates right away:* Sat June 14*, and *Tues June 17*, 9AM-1 PM. The meetings will be held in a bay of the DPW garage. You can attend one day, both days or just part of a session. Obviously, learning about the basics of the site and operations from the chosen architect will be an important intro, but then after that, the PBC wants to be open to all ideas for energy efficiency etc. A professional Green Building consultant (familiar with LEED design) will be invited to facilitate.

June is not a great time to ask people to set aside 4 hours of intense indoor discussion, but the PBC is trying to (quickly) fulfill what many of us have been asking for since November Town Meeting. They expect to finalize the conceptual design Sept 1.

This should be an interesting process; look for more info from the
Town Manager in the 3 weeks leading up to it. Please pass this message
on to whoever might be inclined to attend.

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