Proposed State "Stretch Code"

The "Stretch Code" is an upgraded building code which adds significant energy conservation requirements to the existing Massachusetts code, providing about 20% additional efficiency. These requirements are mostly enhancements of present practices, such as careful attention to the building envelope. The code complements present requirements for Energy Star homes.

Towns seeking state grants for renewable energy projects under the Massachusetts Green Communities Act, such as solar collectors on municipal buildings, must approve the Stretch Code through town meetings, or other representative process. Thus we all need to learn about these new building requirements.

Ian Finlayson, the State Sustainability Manager at the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs, presented Stretch Code details at a meeting of the Lexington Selectmen on February 23. With candor and clarity, he explained these aspects of the proposed Code:

Initial costs and long term savings
No new technologies needed
State and federal tax credits
State and utility rebates, incentives
Testing required
Historic exemptions and other compromises

The audience of about 80 were mostly approving; however, one speaker decried the cost of a whole new bureaucracy.

Much more information is available at:
Also, the town of Acton's website provides a concise presentation.

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